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Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a procedure performed to improve vision by replacing the lens of an eye clouded by a cataract. Cataracts affect millions of people in the United States each year. Most cataracts are the result of aging, though some form as a result of genetic factors or because of disease or injury.

Candidates for Cataract Surgery

 Commonly, the development of cataracts through aging is a gradual process. Patients may not notice early changes in vision and may only become aware of the condition when it is more advanced.

Ophthalmologists, however, can detect cataracts by finding the lens opaque upon medical examination. Only medical professionals can rule out other causes for visual disturbance, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. Patients who become aware of visual difficulties related to cataracts usually experience clouded, blurred or dim vision especially at night.

Procedure of Cataract Surgery

After the pupil is dilated and the area in and around the eye is numbed with anesthesia, a tiny incision is made to insert an ultrasonic probe. The probe emulsifies, or breaks up, the cloudy lens into tiny pieces which are suctioned out of the eye. Once the cloudy lens has been removed, a new artificial lens is implanted.

The new lens, known as an intraocular lens or IOL, is often inserted through the original incision. Surgery usually takes only a few minutes to perform, is usually performed outpatient in the doctor’s office and is relatively painless. A very high percentage of patients demonstrate improved vision after the procedure.

A wide range of replacement lenses are available to cataract patients, each offering different advantages for post-surgery vision. The most effective lens to use depends on the patient’s individual preferences and goals for their vision. The lenses eliminate the need for glasses or contacts after cataract surgery, providing most patients with convenient, effective results for their specific vision conditions.


AcrySof IQ PanOptix IOL

The AcrySof® IQ PanOptix IOL is an intraocular lens that provides good near, intermediate and distance vision for patients who want to significantly decrease their dependence on glasses or contacts after undergoing cataract surgery.
•The PanOptix IOL is a soft, foldable acrylic lens.

Recovery from Cataract Surgery:

After the operation, the eye is usually covered with a patch. Itching and mild discomfort after cataract surgery are normal and usually disappear within a few days.

For a few days after surgery, the patient uses prescribed eye drops to assist in the healing process and to decrease the risk of infection. Patients should refrain from rubbing the eyes, bending and heavy lifting for several days. In most cases, complete healing takes place within eight weeks.